Unipart’s Energ-eyes Friday

April 2022 – Teams across Unipart participated in Energ-eyes Friday, a global event that encouraged sites to generate ideas to best address how to make energy savings in their Unipart processes, and outside of work.

The event was a huge success, with colleagues using Digital Communications Cells and Google sheets to generate and submit over 100 energy-saving ideas. Many also conducted Green Gemba Walks, a tool designed to identify sustainable business practices and remove waste. And over 141 teams participated in an Energy Quiz, which helped to raise awareness of energy costs both at work and at home, and propose ways in which they can be reduced. 

Energ-eyes Friday

Andy Pyne, Group Chief Sustainability Officer, said: “Thank you to colleagues from the whole range of divisions and functions who contributed to Energ-eyes Friday. Rising electricity and gas costs are an issue affecting everyone, both at home and at work, and in response the enthusiasm and creativity of teams across the Group shone through the activity shared on Spark.”

Jen Hunt, Unipart Group Sustainability Director, said: ”The Energ-eyes Friday event was a chance for everyone at Unipart to take ownership of the issue, raising awareness and applying creative problem solving to drive down energy use.

Energy conservation has been a major focus at Unipart for some time. Last year the Group signed up to the UN Race To Zero campaign, committing to stringent carbon elimination targets across three different emission scopes.

The Unipart Group Leadership Team unanimously supported participation in the Race To Zero campaign, having already initially agreed the policy deployment matrix goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 with the strategic intent of becoming net zero before 2050.

Race To Zero takes Unipart’s commitment to the highest level, aligning its ambition with keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and reaching science-based net-zero emissions by 2050.

Furthermore, Unipart’s unique culture and The Unipart Way has already seen the company take significant steps to making their operations more sustainable, as evidenced by multiple Globe of Honour awards in Unipart Logistics and the Ecovadis Silver Award in Unipart Rail.