Unipart’s CR Index Report 2015

Unipart was pleased to achieve a score of five stars (99%) in the 2015 CR Index. Only six other companies achieved such a score.

The average cr index score has increased from 85% last year to 91% today demonstrating the ability of the framework to drive change towards responsible business. 68 companies participated in this cycle, mostly experienced ones and some new to this benchmark.

There has been a significant increase in the extent to which social and environmental issues are incorporated into business strategy, product development and investment decisions. In fact, over 80% have now carried out formal risk and opportunity processes in the context of global mega-trends, taken corporate investment decisions with environmental and social considerations with longer return on investment and calculated the financial value that CR brings. All of these have increased from around 65% last year. Furthermore, this year, a greater number of participants than ever before have detailed how they’ve developed environmental and social actions.

Leaders are more engaged than ever before, and companies are doing more to engage future leaders in the sustainability debate, with some innovative and experiential learning approaches. Half the participants report a link between remuneration of the CEO (or highest paid executive) and company CR performance, doubling the number since 2002.

– Nearly all CR Index participants publicly report, with 2 out of 3 with external verification

– This year 2 out of 3 publicly disclose their tax policies.

– 20% of those that report do not include progress against targets and only 1 in 4 have discussed progress at board level.

– Public disclosure has increased, but more is needed to show progress against targets.

Welfare at work remains a key challenge. 85% review and monitor the wage paid to their employees and 54% the suppliers’ employees to ensure they are not in relative poverty. While the key issues in the workplace remain similar to previous years, there are more examples of companies focusing on and realising the benefits of flexible working.

There has been a significant reduction in the gap between those companies engaging stakeholders and those companies ensuring outcomes are incorporated. Last year, we reported a gap between the quantity of companies engaged with stakeholders and the number of companies responding to their feedback. This gap is significantly lower this year. 82% of participants systemically monitor outcomes of stakeholder engagement (up from 61% last year) and 74% have established indicators to measure the quality of stakeholder engagement. 3 in 4 companies now incentivise suppliers by developing bespoke support to address key sustainability issues.
