NHS Trusts’ enhanced efficiency achieves 5:1 ROI in 18 months

5:1 ROI
In 18 months
The Impact
The overall transformation programme delivered a return on investment of 5:1 during the 18-month duration, with a target ROI of 12:1 over a 3-year period. The full benefits include:
- £2m additional revenues as a result of improvement coding processes (£750k non-elective and £1.3m elective)
- £1.3m per annum recurrent procurement savings
- Renegotiations with 107 suppliers, with 76 of those offering cost savings, resulting in total saving of approximately £1m per annum
- £210k savings per annum as a result of pharmacy improvements to reduce waste through the use of inpatient supplies for “To Take Out”
- 25% increase in cath lab procedures, facilitating faster results and shortening of patient pathways
- Significant inpatient length of stay reductions
- Knowledge transfer to staff within ward staff, pharmacy, and the Trust’s Transformation Team, to improve employee ownership, embed existing improvements, and support future continuous improvement.

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