Harry France wins Apprentice of the Year award

March 2025Apprentice Engineer Harry France has been awarded ‘Apprentice of the Year’ in the category of ‘Outstanding Progress’ by his apprenticeship provider, Cheshire College South & West.

Harry joined Unipart in November 2022 in the role of Production Operative in Relay Cell, within Unipart’s rail sector, and soon took the opportunity to upskill and join the Engineering Fitter apprenticeship scheme in September 2023. 

Harry completed his Level 2 NVQ in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering within just 12 months.

When presenting Harry with his award, Karen Roberts, Cheshire College South & West Assistant Principal for Apprenticeships, said: “The quality of his work has been outstanding and he shows a clear understanding of the subjects covered. With the excellent progress he has made, it is expected that Harry will complete his End Point Assessment well ahead of the planned date – this is highly impressive and we are very proud of him.”

Harry explained how this apprenticeship has impacted him: ““Over the past two years working at Unipart I have learnt a great deal, not only from being at college on my apprenticeship, but from the engineers in different departments I have worked with, broadening my understanding and knowledge of the products that we manufacture and repair on site. I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds in the departments I’ve not yet been in as I move around the site.”

Dawn Allet, Unipart Training & Apprenticeships Advisor, said: “Harry’s award for ‘Outstanding Progress’ on his Engineering Fitter apprenticeship is so well deserved, he has shown all of the qualities of a successful apprentice with a bright future. This has been helped by the strong partnership we have with Cheshire College South and West, which has been developed over time and with our two-way honest communication.

“Harry’s skills coach has spent a lot of time on site understanding our business and how best the college can align with us to effectively support the Engineering Fitter apprenticeship standard. We are also involved in its Engineering/Manufacturing Employer Advisory Panel, and support careers fairs and mock interviews for its students who are ready to graduate. This close partnership with future talent is the key to unlocking the potential of our current and future apprentices.”

Harry’s Skills Coach, Stephen Dale, added: “Harry achieved his level 2 NVQ in half the time it normally takes other apprentices, but there were no short cuts in the quality of the work he submitted. Despite the fact he has not yet completed year two of his apprenticeship, he has been involved in skills and tasks in the workplace that would normally be conducted by more senior apprentices, or even fully qualified staff. He is eager to learn, and keen to ensure his work is reaching the highest standards – well done Harry!”