Five stars for UL in British Safety Council Audits

This is the first time that Unipart Logistics has been audited as one division demonstrating its commitment towards the continuous improvement of health and safety management systems.

For the health and safety audit, UL sites underwent a thorough evaluation of occupational health and safety policies, processes and practices. The audit process included documentation review, interviews with senior managers and colleagues.

The audit measured performance against key health and safety management best practice indicators and a detailed review of over sixty component elements. UL was awarded a five-star rating following the audit which is reflective of a best practice organisation.

David Parr, Policy and Technical Services Director at the British Safety Council, said:

“This is an outstanding achievement that demonstrates a proactive organisation committed to continual improvement in its health and safety arrangements and managing risks to workers’ health, safety and welfare.”

In the Environmental audit, UL scored a top five star rating, after auditors visited UL Nuneaton, Magna Park and Honeybourne. Auditors were impressed with the importance and leadership of environmental management and also also commented on how both managers and colleagues are aware of and engaged with environmental issues. They were also impressed with the new Environmental Management Hub and auditing tools, which they considered best practice. UL Environment Manager Angela Dobbins said:

We are delighted with the audit result, and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who was involved in the audits for demonstrating your passion for the subject. The auditors considered the new Environmental Management Hub and auditing tools as best practice, and once these are fully implemented across UL this should further reduce auditing time and become a paperless system, further reducing our impact on the environment. They were also impressed with the work we have done so far and are planning to reduce single use plastics within our supply chain.”

Gaining a five star rating in the audits means UL is eligible to apply once again for the prestigious Sword and Globe of Honour Awards from the British Safety Council, which are awarded only to the very best organisations worldwide.

UL Operational Services Director Chris Taylor also commented:

“This is an exceptional result that really demonstrates the level we are at with our health and safety and environmental management.”