The Challenge

A Primary Care Provider in the North of England wanted to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

They were using a constant 1.2 kWh per hour (£3,000 annually), 24 hours a day, even during out of hours periods, but had no insight into where this energy consumption was coming from. 

The Solution

Eco Insight, a Unipart energy-monitoring product, to monitor, analyse and optimise energy consumption in real-time, was installed.

Eco Insight’s data scientists supported by analysing data and workshopping potential solutions with the practice team to demonstrate immediate actions, and highlighting areas for improvement beyond their existing sustainable practice commitments.

It was identified that immediate benefits could be made by:

  • Switching off lights and computers during evenings and weekends
  • Investing in energy-efficient appliances and lighting
  • Scheduling heating and air conditioning systems to operate only during business hours. 

289 kg

Reduction in carbon emmissions

The Impact

The installation of Eco Insight resulted in the following benefits:

  • Average overnight energy consumption reduced from 1.426 kWh to 1.012 kWh
  • Annual saving of 1,399.32 kWh
  • Carbon emissions reduced by approximately 289 kg

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