The Challenge

One of Unipart’s UK operations wanted to better understand its energy consumption by automating the previously manual data collection process.

The site leadership team was concerned that monthly energy and utilities bills provided very little information on how or where energy was being consumed, or the cause of high-consumption areas.

The 312,000 sq.ft multi-client logistics centre employs 650 colleagues across multi-shifts providing warehousing, returns, recycling and customer service operations.

The Solution

The site installed Eco Insight, Unipart’s plug and play energy monitoring product, to monitor, analyse and optimise energy consumption in real- time.

Bespoke Eco Insight alerts were created to inform operational leads if there were any anomalies with energy consumption in identified areas, so that immediate action could be taken.


Reduction in energy use

The Impact

Real-time data displayed on customer dashboards showed that electric heaters within the returns operation were consuming approximately 6,600 kWh per month of unnecessary energy during non-operating hours.

Following this discovery, the team implemented a greater systemic control of electric heaters within the operation that had the following benefits:

  • 87% reduction in energy consumption within the recycling operation
  • £16,693 of savings per year.
Eco Insight provides real-time energy monitoring at one of our multi-client logistics centres in the UK. By automating the collection and analysis of energy data from multiple feeds, it has enabled our operational teams to identify areas where we can make savings, reducing energy consumption by 87% in one of our reverse logistics operations.

“The real-time reporting dashboard helps the site leadership team monitor high-consumption assets and areas of our operations, while the alerting feature helps quickly address anomalies and stay on track to reach our energy and cost reduction targets.

David Cartwright, Operations Director, Unipart

Warehouse pic

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