Corporate Responsibility
The Unipart Way 2019/20

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Welcome to Corporate Responsibility

The Unipart Way, the latest report on our responsible business activity at Unipart Group.

At Unipart we have a firm commitment to doing well by doing good. Our customers, our people, our industry partners, and the communities in which we operate are best served when all of our long-term prosperity and sustainability is intertwined.

This belief has been at the heart of Unipart’s ethos for more than three decades, living those values every day through our philosophy of employee engagement and continuous improvement The Unipart Way.

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UN Sustainable Development Goals









A global company


headquartered in Oxford, UK


Unipart’s strategy is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals


UN Sustainable Development Goals


No Poverty
Supporting colleagues to take control of their finances through a financial wellbeing programme; employee savings, debt management services and employee loans:
• Encouraging discussion
• Improving financial awareness
• Encourage planning and saving

Zero Hunger

We support the Oxford Food Hub, a charity local to Unipart House and our Cowley Distribution Centre. The charity rescues surplus food from going to landfill and redistributes it to charities, schools, and community organisations across Oxfordshire

Good Health and Well-being

• Employee and Family Assistance Programme
• Wellbeing Champions on site to lead internal awareness programmes, signpost colleagues to help and support, and lead in the wellbeing arena for all colleagues
• CSR/Wellbeing calendar established, which focuses on key awareness days/months, highlighting key issues that our colleagues may experience and need support with throughout their career with Unipart
Quality Education
• Digital Day for young people accessing STEM workplaces
• We maintain strong connections with local schools and educational facilities
• We offer Apprenticeships and Graduate Schemes
Gender Equality • We continue to report on our Gender Pay Gap
• We actively drive policies and procedures to close the gender pay gap over time
• We support those who are working carers to be able to participate in work and be remunerated fairly for their work
Clean Water and Sanitation • We continue to monitor our water consumption as a responsibility to our planet. We also report on water wastage and strive to eliminate wastage anywhere we can
• Water consumption targets and activities
• Provision of clean safe drinking water at our sites in India
Affordable and Clean Energy At Unipart we monitor our Co2 Emissions and energy consumption of both gas and electricity to observe our targets and aim towards more sustainably sourced energy that is in line with the Global Goals.
• Use of renewables
• Battery technology research
• Encourage use of fuel efficient cars
• Electric car charging points at Unipart sites
Decent Work and Economic Growth • Digital transformation using the tools and techniques of The Unipart Way
• Apprenticeships and Graduate Schemes
• Human Rights and employment of young people
• Health and Safety
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure • Implementing digital technology across the rail network
• Advanced Institute of Manufacturing and Engineering - Unipart's unique collaboration with Coventry University to equip engineering students with skills and experience for the workplace

Reduced Inequalities • We have an established Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging agenda
• We have introduced a Diversity and Inclusion Steering group to support ongoing work into the area of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
• We celebrate a diverse workforce through multiple CSR activities such as religious festival celebrations and luncheons
• We have policies, which establish our fundamental duties to our people and ensuring we reduce inequality by following our policies
Sustainable Cities and Communities
E-car charging points on site to encourage greener vehicle choices
• Hyperbat - a joint venture between Unipart and Williams Advanced Engineering to produce electric vehicle batteries
• Electric car charging points at Unipart sites
Sustainable Consumption • Responsible Products and Services
• Engaging our customers in responsible behaviours
• Supporting our customers’ CSR programmes
Climate Action • Monitoring use of gas, electricity and water
• Reporting on our reduction in gas, electricity, CO2 and water consumption
• E-car charging points at all UK sites.
• Reducing plastic and reporting on waste recycled

Life Below Water Elimination of single-use plastic from the Sky supply chain as part of Sky Ocean Rescue
Life on Land Overall recycling rate of 97%, reducing waste to landfill

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions • Whistleblowing policy
• Anti-slavery
• Anti-bribery and corruption
• Anti-racism Policy
• Human Rights Policy
• EDIBs Agenda
Partnerships for the Goals • Business in the Community (BiTC)
• B4 Oxford business network
• Lifeworks
• Salary Finance
• Make UK

Many Unipart sites continued to deliver essential services throughout the pandemic, including Unipart Logistics for the NHS Supply Chain and Unipart Rail supporting national infrastructures in the UK and around the globe.

Unipart introduced Covid-Secure safety measures ahead of UK Government guidelines. Unipart leadership met daily to navigate rapidly-changing circumstances.



In November 2020, Unipart won a Covid Comms Award for the best in-house corporate communications response to the pandemic

Hosted digitally and available to all Unipart employees, the Roadmap to Return continues to provide employees with the latest safety guidelines and policy updates.

In May 2020, Unipart published its Roadmap to Return, a comprehensive playbook of Covid-Secure working practices.

In our 2020 employee engagement survey:


The Unipart Way

is central to engaging employees at every level of the organisation.

Digital Communication Cells enable employees to play an active role in continuous improvement across the organisation

of employees responded

Employees have a world class level
of satisfaction according to Gallup



Weekly videos and articles where employees share wellbeing experiences and learning

Employee and family assistance provider gives 24/7 access to confidential support on financial, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing

Our network of Wellbeing Champions supports leaders and employees across our sites

Unipart colleagues

Unipart WorkWell supports employees’ total wellbeing

Slide 47% reduction in incidents The introduction of digital technology led to a

Unipart Rail achieved a British Safety Council five-star rating in their Occupational Health and Safety Audit

Unipart strives for world-class health and safety.

Health and Safety

In 2019/20 Unipart was awarded the British Safety Council Sword of Honour. Since 2011, we have won 57 ‘Swords’, more than any other company in our sector

Was crowned the overall country UK and Ireland winner in the British Safety Council International Safety Awards 2020


Unipart’s engagement with the wider community is based on four principles:

Is the partnership consistent with our values and culture?

Does it have measurable benefits on both sides?

Does it have clear partnership objectives?

Is there measurable progress of the partnership and value?



Unipart’s partnership with Oxford Food Hub, announced in August 2019, demonstrates these four principles in action.

Unipart Group chairman John Neill is the longest-serving Business in the Community Board of Trustees Director

Unipart Group Corporate Affairs Director Frank Nigriello is the Prince’s Responsible Business Ambassador for South East England

Oxford Food Hub saves food from landfill by redistributing it to charities

The volunteers calculated Oxford Food Hub saves £1m of food from landfill each, a positive message the charity shared with its stakeholders

Unipart is a member of the National Business Response Network, offering crisis management advice and support to businesses

Oxford Food Hub

Unipart volunteers spent time at Oxford Food Hub improving their processes using The Unipart Way

Business in the Community

Unipart sponsors the Responsible Business Awards Outstanding Achievement category


Unipart is committed to managing business operations in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner.
More information about our environmental objectives can be found in our Environmental Policy.

Total waste generated went up marginally by 1% compared to 2018. Improvement initiatives
are being implemented such as removal of single use plastics in Unipart Rail division and engaging the supply chain to reduce the amount of packaging


Reducing waste

Reducing CO2

Carbon emissions reduced by 28% overall reflecting improvements in electricity and gas usage, and the change in government CO2 conversion factors to reflect decreasing dependence on fossil fuels also helped

Reducing electricity

Electricity usage went down by 13%. There were improvements across all sites. Kautex Unipart switched off extruders when not required and have made process improvements resulting in reduced compressed air usage

Reducing water use

Water usage went down by 24% due to installation of push taps, proactive water usage audits and general awareness. Increase in water usage at Unipart Powertrain Applications due to an increase in the number of pipe washers and wash frequencies


The British Safety Council bestowed its highest environmental honour on Unipart Logistics, awarding the division the Globe of Honour in both 2019 & 2020


In addition, Unipart Logistics scored over 95% in the British Safety Council Five Star Environmental Sustainability Audit in 2020 – its highest ever rating

Unipart Rail achieved an Ecovadis silver award sustainability rating


Unipart is uniquely positioned to make a positive impact in the growing electric vehicle market.

Unipart Manufacturing’s joint venture with Williams Advanced Engineering called Hyperbat, produces batteries for high-performance electric vehicles

Unipart Logistics is an in-production and aftermarket logistics partner to a host of premium automotive brands and their electrification including Tesla, Volkswagen Group UK and Mercedez-Benz

Unipart Dorman removed 13km of plastic from signal packaging

Unipart is committed to being part of a circular economy. In 2019/20:

Unipart Logistics removed 127 tonnes of single use plastic from the Sky customer’s supply chain

Unipart Logistics won an Automotive Global Award 2020 for removing plastic from a premium automotive customer’s supply chain

Employee wellbeing and diversity & inclusion commitments in 2021

Governance and assurance

Unipart's corporate responsibility objectives for the coming year and beyond

Unipart's 2030 carbon neutral objective


John Neill

Group Chairman and Chief Executive


Darren Leigh

Chief Financial Officer


Deborah Astles

Director of Corporate and Social Responsibility


Laura Duthie

HR Specialist – Corporate and Social Responsibility


John Greatrex

HR Director


Frank Nigriello

Corporate Affairs Director


Andy Pyne

Unipart Logistics Operations Director


Kirsty Summerby

Director of Health and Safety


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Corporate Responsibility
The Unipart Way 2019/20