October 2023 – Last week, Unipart Consultancy joined like-minded individuals speaking on the topic of sustainability at the Royal Society of Medicine in London for the Govconnect Net Zero NHS Event.
Given the current global emphasis on decarbonisation, Chris Dixon, Unipart Consultancy Director, provided valuable insights on the significance of continuous learning being embedded throughout all layers in the organisation to ensure the adoption of Net Zero initiatives.
Chris spoke on the importance of stakeholder and value chain engagement in an organisation’s journey to Net Zero. Dr Terry Kemple taught us that 20% of the NHS’ carbon footprint comes from primary care, although this percentage is large, primary care workers can be great vectors for bringing sustainable change; their active involvement is of utmost importance. Dr Kemple created the RCGP’s Green Impact for Health (GIFH) Toolkit, a guide that helps General Practices in the UK make better decisions in this climate and ecological emergency. Both Unipart and Dr Kemple recognise that to ensure Sustained Accelerated Learning, the organisation should visualise the present challenge it encounters, employ data for comprehension, and make well-informed decisions to surmount it. In alignment with our perspective, Dr. Terry acknowledged the necessity for improved data to drive more effective actions.
It was a pleasure to hear from Professor Matthew Cripps on the topic of behavioural change as a framework for integrating sustainable best practices and on the challenge of status quo bias. Similar to Matthew’s thinking, Unipart Consultancy recognises that engaged people are a vital part of the change process, ensuring that changes are both implemented and sustained. In relation to Sustained Accelerated Learning, Cripps’ issue of status quo bias should be understood as the current concern affecting the organisation, before the change plans can be quickly implemented.
Rachel Stancliffe, from the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, also had an insightful talk as she emphasised the importance of adopting a Lean Approach and implementing continuous improvement to resolving Net Zero challenges. Unipart’s experience delivering positive change for the NHS aligns with Rachel’s approach as we value improvement techniques that can contribute to the success of achieving Net Zero objectives.
Connect with either Chris Dixon – chris.dixon@unipart.com or James Stanley – james.stanley@unipart.com and find out how we can support the implementation of your sustainability objectives to achieve your Net Zero goals.